With our “big day” just 72 hours away, the level of excitement and anticipation is rapidly building. Family, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances keep asking me how things are going, to which I reply… “Just a lot of “T” crossing and “I” dotting.” One nagging question that seems to be on the back of a few people’s minds is: Why didn’t we invite more guests to our wedding? I assume this question has arisen due to the fact that Angel and I capped off our wedding guest list at around 110 people and didn’t invite many of our current colleagues. So while our wedding party is rather large (20 people deep, including the bride, groom, parents, and grandma), our guest list is rather small. Why not invite more colleagues and acquaintances? I guess that’s a valid question.
Most people probably think the obvious; cost must have something to do with it, right? Sure, but while cost is always a factor, it’s not exactly a good reason to leave someone important off your wedding guest list. We intend to get married only once, so this certainly isn’t an affair we plan to be frugal with. Which brings me to the foundation of our reasoning: This is an intimate affair. The people who we invited are thought of as family, whether we are related by blood or not. These are the people we trust, respect, and love. These aren’t just the people that we hope would be there for us in our time of need, these are the people we will immediately rush to assist if they ever find themselves in a time of need. In other words, we assembled our wedding guest list based on invitations sent only to our best friends and family.
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