“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
— Desmond Tutu
This morning a deaf man came into the soup kitchen where Marc and I volunteer our time. He looked nervous and immediately handed me a note letting me know that he was unable to hear and that he also had health conditions requiring him to eat low sodium foods. After exchanging notes back and forth several times, so I could place his customized food order, his final note to me read:
“You are so incredibly kind and beautiful, inside and out. Thank you for being patient and accepting of my disability. Even though I’ve been in need, I’ve been too afraid to come here for past few days. I bet your voice is as beautiful as your personality.”
This was my most recent “in your face” reality check proving that the way we treat people makes a big difference in this world.
So with the power of kindness in mind, here are some of my favorite quotes from our blog archive that I often re-read just to remind myself to treat people a little better than necessary:
Please share these quotes with others who you think may benefit from them, and also share your thoughts with us in the comments area below. If you’re up to it, I’d love it if you shared an additional quote or personal saying that reminds you to treat others mindfully and kindly (for both their sake and yours).
Also, if you haven’t done so already, be sure to sign-up for our free newsletter to receive more powerful quotes and related life lessons in your inbox each week.
Photo by: Abdulrahman al-zanki
McKay says
I absolutely love these positive relationship quotes of yours!
Here’s another relationship related quote I love that you shared a couple months back in one of your inspiring blog emails. I immediately wrote it on an index card and tacked it to my home office bulletin board as a reminder (which has worked well for me):
“Do not miss a chance – not one single, tiny opportunity – to tell someone how wonderful they are and how beautiful they are, inside and out.”
Karen says
14 -need to write down and live by. Love all the quotes . Thank you.
Angel Chernoff says
So glad you’re finding value in the emails, McKay.
Sarah says
Your work is always an inspiration to me, Marc and Angel.
Like McKay, I also jot down quotes from your blog posts and emails occasionally. Here’s a relationship quote/saying I really liked and still have written in an inspiration journal I keep:
“Absence and neglect often do far more damage than outright hatred. Be present with those who matter to you.”
Angel Chernoff says
Thank you for the kindness, Sarah.
Devon says
It’s been awhile yet again since I’ve commented, but I loved the effective brevity this post offered. So as requested, here are two relationship related quotes directly out of your book that have already helped change my mindset about how I treat people:
“REMINDER: It costs nothing to be kind. And it changes things for the better.”
“Making one person smile can change the world. Maybe not the whole world, but their world. Start small. Start now.”
Thank you, as always!
Angel Chernoff says
Thank you for continuing to support (and share) our work, Devon.
Thanks for sharing this useful relationship quotes. They are worth reading again.
Jeanneke says
Though we don’t know one another and the countries we live in are almost opposite, this post is of global human interest.
It feels like this was written for me, seen my current circumstances… As if you read my recent dreams and thoughts?
Thanks so much for another most inspirational post.
Jorge says
I haven’t been to your site for… weeks? months? Today I was feeling I needed to come back to it. I was right. Best moment ever to be reminded of several of these ideas. Thanks a lot for this post.
Angel Chernoff says
Welcome back, Jorge!
Karen says
Great quotes to help in all situations tho seemingly contradictory to advice given about toxic relationships perhaps. Knowing oneself and healthy boundaries are key: Unconditional compassion without losing oneself.
Lyn says
Perfect, as ever. I loved no.6. Really resonated with me.
ariane says
Hey Marc and Angel, thank you so much. Since the day I signed to your newsletter my life has gradually changed for real. Thank you for making my days brighter. Thank you for opening my eyes to things I needed to work on. I’m in Africa – Rwanda precisely. Send love your way.
Angel Chernoff says
Thank you for the kindness, Ariane.
Michelle says
I love these, thank you. I will be sharing widely. ?
Dina Drew Duva says
Thank you for all that you put out into the world! Your newsletters and messages are so inspiring!
I work with a great group of moms on a YouTube channel and mom brand called MomCaveTV.com. We’re group of a group of moms who produce our own comedic videos and blog posts. Today’s moms experience a lot of pressure to be perfect and “have it all!” We strive to bring moms together and have a laugh about all we go through. I recently started a new feature for our site, called the MomCave TV quote of the day! A lot of them I come with on my own, so as requested, here’s one of mine – “When was the last time you turned to another mom and told her she was doing a GREAT job. Wouldn’t that be so nice to hear?”
I’m going to share one of yours with our subscribers today on our social media platforms! Thank you! Thank you! Again for all you do!
Johan says
Wow So much power in these quotes. If only we apply them in the way we treat other people. Thank you Learned a lot. I need to work on some.
Rachael says
One of my favorites is, “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.”
Angel Sing says
No one is my friend nor my enemy, they are just my teachers… HPB
Redge says
I loved the quotes. 🙂
Braja Patnaik says
Such a nice idea Looking at everyone as teachers in life! Never thought about it in that way!
Rawhitisue says
I love these quotes, keeps me on the right path. They should be on the fist page of every daily newspaper, bringing the simple wisdom to all and hopefully slowly, slowly show all how easy it could be to live together happily. Love to you both.
Stan says
Sometimes you don’t even need to say anything. I was unaware that I smile almost all of the time, until others started telling me that because I smiled at them it made their day better.
Melissa says
You both bring so much warmth and gratitude to my life. Thank you for the work you do.
Clover says
Don’t judge we don’t know anyone’s past, present or their future!
Heather says
“A Bad attitude is like a flat tire, you’re not going to get very far until you change it!”
I enjoy recalling this one anytime I feel my bad attitude creeping up on me.
Tracy says
These are perfect for our politically charged world. Thank you so much for always giving us just what we need. Love all of them.
Fitri says
I love the quotes and I love you Marc and Angel. Very blessed. thank you so much!
Teri says
Loved, loved, LOVED your story about the deaf man! Ever since I was in middle school (I’m 59 now), I’ve had a number of “special” people come into my life; people who have a mental, and sometimes a physical “disability”. I’m not sure what it is about me, but I have always attracted these folks (the same way strangers will tell me their life story while waiting in the grocery store line). At any rate, I have met some very interesting and incredible people.
These are people whom most wouldn’t give the time of day, much less develop a friendship or bond. It is impossible for me to put into words the richness and blessings these folks have brought into my life, AND even though disabled, each of these people have wonderful traits, abilities, personalities (!!!), and values. My current buddy is a 50-year old man with cerebral palsy AND a great sense of humor, an enviable work ethic, and a sense of justice that most “normal” people don’t have.
So, I’ve tried to set an example for my children by treating everyone with dignity and respect, and by teaching them to not “judge a book by its cover”. The deaf man story struck me because, when my son was a young teen, one of his best friends was deaf. Proud to say, it was as if my son never noticed his friend’s disability. Instead, on his own, he learned American Sign Language so they could communicate better.
For you, Marc and Angel:
“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”
~Mark Twain
Thank you for what you do!
Angel Chernoff says
Excellent perspective, Teri. Thank you for sharing a small piece of your story with us.
Nic says
When you forgive you don’t change the past, but you sure do change the future.
Atul says
These are some of the best relationship quotes/advice I’ve read in awhile.
Amanda gray says
thank you so very much!!!!!
Thea van Diepen says
These are beautiful quotes. One I always go back to for a reminder of why I’m walking the path I’m on is this:
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
~Howard Thurman
Binal Bhanushali says
Beautiful Quotes… Just loved them all.. 🙂
Patrick says
They are all very relvant to my life
Lou says
I loved the quotes and I thank you for your daily reminders of love, hope and living a passionate life! Bless you!
Varun says
#5 is now my cell phone wallpaper!
Thanks for everyday motivation Marc and Angel.
Bill says
Great things come from relentless pursuit of purpose.- Bill Krafft
Charles R. says
Also Never ever envy anyone ..Because you could look back one day and be glad you did not have what they had.
Nelu Mbingu says
Number 8 really struck a chord with me.
Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot of people say that those who are struggling with poverty just chose to not work hard for success. What they seem to forget is that the privileges that some of us enjoy are only graciously granted to us. Most of us have done nothing to deserve them.
There are many people and many factors that worked in our favor. And if we see our fellow brothers or sisters struggling, we aught to have the gratitude to not blame them for their situation.
Thanks for sharing these!
angge says
Thanks for sharing. i love the quotes especially the last one! it simply reminds me to be kind to others.
Lois says
These are very heart warming and inspiring, a very nice reminder to be kind always. ?
Brett says
Beautiful quotes, a couple of which I’ll have to add to my journal right now. Your FB posts are now a big part of my daily morning ritual to start my day off in a positive and happy way…the best way to start the day. Half way through your book too which is really helping me through some tough times at home. Heartfelt thanks.
Sir Aristo says
You guys have really made my day.
trudy says
I love the quote about being kind to others not because they are good, but because you are. If we treat others the way they “deserve” at the moment, we will only cause a chain of sorrow. Break the chain of negativity and be a force for good in the world.
Thank you for making this thought available and sharable! That in itself is a power for good!