Comments on: 7 Calming Quotes for Times When We Take Things Too Personally Practical Tips for Productive Living Mon, 27 May 2024 22:30:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Scott Siwicki Mon, 27 May 2024 22:30:29 +0000 This post today is something I need to work on. I have had so many comments given to me. Many not very nice; dealing with my health issues and life situation. Inside I know it is not worth my time getting upset.

By: Tayler edward Fri, 24 May 2024 10:39:22 +0000 Thank you for this insightful essay, so timely in reminding me to be bigger and controlling how I respond to how others treat me. I will keep these quotes close and refer to them often. I also love many of the responses here in learning that so many others are sensitive and take everything to heart… We are all only human and it’s easy to forget to be tolerant of others – this will be my guide to do better…thank you.

By: Krishna Thu, 23 May 2024 14:59:32 +0000 One of Patanjali’s yoga sutra says by developing these habits;
Being friendly and non jealous towards people who are happy,
Developing compassion towards people who are unhappy,
Showing delight towards people who are virtuous’
Cultivating equanimity towards people of non virtuous nature,
We can stay calm and peaceful.

Your writings are so helpful in developing great attitude of equanimity.

By: Joanna Thu, 23 May 2024 12:33:46 +0000 Thanks both for your inspirational tips. I agree with all you noted about not taking things personally. However, if boundaries haven’t been tightened enough and someone does attack you personally, judging and criticizing you time and again and having to reset boundaries, choices have to be made–eg, asking do I really want this person in my life? Because, sure enough, the way people treat you reveals a lot about them.

By: Sumit Thu, 23 May 2024 11:22:27 +0000 Thanks a lot Marc and Angel. Your words of wisdom helps a lot.
These days i am going through roughest phase of my life till date where my establishemnet has been closed down by autocratic corrupt governemnt officer.
but anyway i am trying to rise like phoenix at age of 50. trying to rebuild my life.
all of ur points resonated but the most was
Calmness is a superpower. The ability to not overreact or take things too personally keeps your mind clear and at peace, which gives you the upper hand by putting you back in control of your response.
thanks and god bless you for being in our lives

By: Paula Thu, 23 May 2024 09:28:35 +0000 Amazing essay!!!! Can’t express enough how grateful l am to read your essays especially this one !!! . By practicing all these mindful essays are making a huge difference to my life, thank you again so much .

By: Lou Thu, 23 May 2024 07:28:00 +0000 There all very good but I’m not that perfect to always turn the other cheek I try and give people the. Benefit of the doubt A lot to work on in so little time thank you

By: Fran Wed, 22 May 2024 22:48:55 +0000 Excellent analysis! We all need to be reminded to grow a thicker skin and that taking things too personally is often a misplaced sentiment that only serves to inflict pain on ourselves needlessly!

By: Sue Wed, 22 May 2024 20:39:42 +0000 Thank you for this guidance and the calming quotes. I never considered calmness as a superpower, but I believe you are right. Your message is incredibly timely and reassuring.

By: Captain Vijay Shankar Sharma Wed, 22 May 2024 18:36:44 +0000 A, Twice read of your every Article, ensures a ‘ Win, ‘on those, who, intently or Childishly, cause Pain to you.

By: Pamela Wed, 22 May 2024 16:40:57 +0000 Thank you! This article came just at the time I needed it!!!

By: Gloria Wed, 22 May 2024 16:34:27 +0000 Thanks for the excellent mindfulness reminder for our own personal mental health! It also reminded me to take time to just breathe deeply and stay focused on the moment–not all the self created busyness in my mind.

By: Michael Linn Wed, 22 May 2024 15:43:03 +0000 I admit I often find myself very quick to act when I have an idea or experience and want to share it with someone I love and they begin to not see it exactly the way I hoped they would. I end up feeling like I’m backed into a corner aggressively standing up for myself. I need to listen without judgment, understanding that they are not attacking me, rather giving their opinion about an idea. Good reminders here for me.

By: Kandace Wed, 22 May 2024 15:11:43 +0000 I love this post!
For so long I would take comments made in conversation very personal – so much so that I started to ‘protect’ myself and do almost the complete opposite. I started taking those same type of comments and never actually disgusting them. I work every day at this, finding the great middle ground and these mantras will very helpful in my continuous journey of taking things less personal.

Thanks for the great post and reminders!

By: Jezza Wed, 22 May 2024 14:43:00 +0000 Hi Angel,

This article was written with such powerful words. I am really thankful to you and Marc for always reminding me how to live my best life. I wish the two of you more wisdom and happiness.

Love from the Philippines,


By: Seyi Wed, 22 May 2024 14:20:37 +0000 I so much agree with the point about people saying or doing what they do being a reflection of them.

Sometimes, people judge us based on their own outlook to life. Their perception of us will be coloured by what matters more to them in life – their values.

For example, when it comes to relationships and making friends in general, I’ve always been a quality-over-quantity person. If I join a new organization or social group, I like to take my time, observe, before making friends. And I also accept that, while I will be respectful and cordial to everyone, I might not even have a friend at all…

Some people might judge this as being aloof or even snobbish, but only because they are the types who are less deliberate in making friends. I’ve since realized that and don’t let it bother me.

By: Candis Wed, 22 May 2024 13:27:55 +0000 I have learned over the years that other people’s opinion of me is actually none of my business and that validation needs to come from the inside, not the outside. Identifying what is important to me in life and working towards that is where I find my happiness. Being a people-pleaser and caring about what others think of me has held me back most of my adult life. I have decided it cannot do so anymore, I am not responsible for others opinions of me, I AM responsible for how I react to those opinions and for taking care of my inner piece and for remembering the most important opinion is my own.

By: Brett Bird Wed, 22 May 2024 13:16:57 +0000 I used to take things personally as a child, very much so, which caused me to get wrapped up in feeling like it was all unfair. Over time, I realized that it’s about them, and their own thoughts, just like you said.

The toughest hurdle for me is during the “shock” phase, right after the unfair treatment occurs. Over time, even this has gotten easier to handle. Mindfulness of my own mental state is crucial. I realize I don’t have to take their burden, and I can choose my response.

It’s freeing, because unless they have valid feedback for me, I can just let the noise go and carry on with my business.

By: Greg Wed, 22 May 2024 13:09:41 +0000 Again, one of your emails arrives in my inbox at the moment I needed to read it. Thank you.

With all the disheartening turmoil occurring in the US and around the world right now, this post really struck a chord with me, because it often comes down to people taking things personally and reacting impulsively.

Also, you reminded me of a related quote from your book that I copied into the notes on my iPhone recently, to remind myself not to take things personally and to not judge others, even when they are being unruly:

“Do your best not to judge others, for you do not know their pain or sorrows. If you can’t speak a kind word, say nothing at all. And if they can’t speak a kind word, say nothing at all.”

By: Kelly Whitcomb Wed, 22 May 2024 12:58:02 +0000 There’s no doubt about it — taking things personally has made me miserable in the past, and stifled my growth. I’ve learned the hard way that we all need to let go of negativity around us AND the negativity directed at us. Terribly tough to do sometimes, but unbelievably liberating! When we are continuously running on a treadmill of stubbornness about how we “expect” to be treated or how others “should” behave, we are prisoners to the beliefs and behaviors of others. Your happiness course and emails have been helping me let go of my ideals and refocus on improving my attitude and responses. It has been a gradual process, but I’m seeing the benefits very clearly. Thank you for all the personal guidance.
