It’s not too late. You aren’t behind. You’re exactly where you need to be. Every step is necessary. Don’t judge or berate yourself for how long your journey is taking. We all need our own time to travel our own distance. Give yourself a little more credit right now, be thankful you made it this far, and take the next tiniest step forward.
Seriously, don’t waste another drop of your time and energy fighting against where you are. Invest your time and energy into getting to where you want to go. Do your best to let go of everything from the past that does not serve you, and just admire the fact that it brought you to where you are now…
To this new beginning.
That’s the super-simplified gist of what Marc and I preach on a daily basis to course students, blog commenters, book readers, friends, and just about anyone else who pings us for some general advice on getting unstuck in life.
And it’s pretty good advice for the most part, right?
You might even say it’s common sense.
Yet, so many of us do the exact opposite on a daily basis.
In fact, many of us do nothing productive at all until we get to a catastrophic breaking point.
In other words, we [Read more…]